Toys made by recycled plastic: Barbie’s commitment

The toy sector joins the circular economy by opting for the manufacture of toys made from recycled plastics. Last year Barbie launched the “Barbie loves the Ocean” model made entirely from recycled plastics, and now the company is going a step further by announcing its goal of manufacturing toys made from recycled and recyclable plastics.

The power of the circular economy

The power of the circular economy should not be underestimated and The Flipflopi Project is a clear example. This Project started in 2018 and it continues in 2022. This is not an initiative to fill newspaper headlines, but rather a reality capable of changing the future of an ecosystem and the economic reality of a.

Hotel’s engagement with the circular economy.

Hotel’s engagement with the circular economy. Do hotels recycle? In this article, we review the importance of recycling in hotels and the effect that plastics have on the customer experience. Before analysing this point, we have to check the main reasons why the hotel sector proposed a change in its waste management: The International Union.

RPET: recycled plastic reaches footwear sector.

Este mes dedicamos nuestro artículo al RPET, utilizado para hacer zapatos. Y es que, si nos sorprendíamos en ocasiones anteriores con la incorporación del sector textil a la economía circular, ahora ponemos el foco en los sneakers.
This month we are going to speak about RPET, that it is used to make footwear. If we were surprised with the incorporation of the textile sector into the circular economy, now we focus on sneakers.

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